I have now been the partner with this smaller membership congregation for 4 years and 1/4 . . . we have been through many storms together, both natural and human-mad (unrealistic expectations them of me, and me of them, unresolved anger, critical spirits, unforgiving natures, egos, vanity, wandering from the Word) . . . and now we seem to be gelling.
Next Saturday we have our second Visioning Retreat . . . this one building on our last and looking into the new year . . . we will be focusing on Worship, Nurture and Outreach . . . how we are working in each of these areas to be living the kingdom in the here and now.
Our congregation is slowly changing . . . in how we dress, what we look like, how we Worship, how we experience being the church together. . . it is exciting . . . it is scary . . . it is exhilarating . . . it is exhausting . . . above all I hope and pray that it is pleasing to God.
Where will the path take us . . . I pray it will take us to a place of being . . . being in deeper and fuller relationship with Jesus . . . and through our having deeper and fuller relationships with Jesus we will have deeper and fuller relationships with one another . . . relationships where we can rip our masks off and be vulnerable with one another . . . relationships that dare stepping out in faith to be the church in new and exciting ways to those in our community who do not know Jesus the source of life.
Ready for the trip,