It has been a long time since I have posted. Let me count the reasons . . . computer problems and lack of time . . . the first has been taken care of and the second continues to be a problem . . . really, an excuse . . . I think part of it is that I was kind of bummed out, but there seems to have been a remarkable change in the past two months.
The smaller membership church I partner with is in the process of a spiritual renewal . . . no, not all of the members . . . yesterday after Bible Study I started hearing the complaints . . . I don't like the changes . . . why isn't the choir sitting in the church anymore . . . they are . . . they just aren't wearing robes and sitting in the Chancel anymore . . . they sit in the congregation with their families then gather on the steps to sing . . . we hear better and most of the choir members like sitting with their families . . . they also help the congregation sing better singing among them.
It is sad that this woman can't make the connection between the increase in people who aren't members of the church joining in the life and work of the church . . . in the past half year we are having an increase in Worship attendance . . . in a smaller membership congregation any increase is significant, but we have about 7 adults and about 8 kids who are regular attendees . . . some who have been searching, one who has been way from the Church for about 34 years, three who are children of this congregation and left because of stodginess and were attending non-denominational churches -- now they're back and active! Last Sunday between Church School and Worship we had about 10 kids under the age of 8 out on the front lawn with about 6 over the age of 8 but not yet teens.
But contrasting this woman are others who through the process of moving deeper into relationship with Jesus have recognized that "t isn't about me" it is about the kingdom and are willing to embrace change so that others will come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
Advent will be the test . . . our Worship will look different . . . reformed but different is what came out of our 2010 Visioning Retreat.